A downloadable game

* YASNAKE - yet another snake game.

This snake game is made for GameShell in GameShell Game Jam(19Q3).

The theme of the jam is "SHIFT". "SHIFT" has 2 meanings for me: one is
for the process coding this game, another is for the 'shifting'
feature of the game.

I have shifted my old school piece of code (which was written around
2008 when I learnt C lang) to live in this jam and polished it to make
a new version. That code is about a game, the classic greedy snake
game. The toolchain I used was Turbo C 2.01 (which has been released
as freeware by respectful Borland). Turbo C is really a cool tool to
make small excutables running on DOS. It saved me a lot of time with
its simple yet powerful IDE. Back then it was a good choice to do
edit-compile-debug-run loop in one single environment. The graphics
library I use is BGI, a.k.a Borland Graphics Interface which is easier
and simpler than modern counterparts (SDL etc.) but provides more
direct way to do things.

'shifting' feature of this game is that you can press 'a' to let the
snake march at full speed i.e. at max of the emulator's current cycle
setting. The snake can cross the wall when your score is NOT equal to
1000's multiples so shift with caution.

Although the game itself is simple, the process making it is full of
fun. Making a little game is also a good way to practise coding
skills. Install a dosbox on your GameShell, drop in a free compiler
like TC to see what you can do in these old new 1980s tools.






Install instructions

1. update clockworkos to 0.3 or up. 

2. download dosbox core in RetroArch. 

3. Online Updater => Update Core Info Files 

4. Load Core => Download Core, find dosbox then download. 

5. put YASNAKE.EXE into download dir of RetroArch (via ssh). 

6. load content - the YASNAKE.EXE from RetroArch.

7. (optional) SHIFT+MENU open the Quick Menu, select Options->Enable PC-Speaker.


Set Quick Menu->Controls as below:

1. set "User 1 Device Type" to "Keyboard + Mouse"

2. map the direction keys to keyboard arrows, such as "Up D-pad" to "Keyboard Up" 

3. use A button as shifting key, i.e. map "A button" to "Keyboard a"

4. select "Save Game Remap File".

Development log

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